DNA Testing | Paternity Testing

We have partnered with AABB & CAP accredited labs like DNA Diagnostic Center, Universal Forensics Labs. We provide the following DNA services.

Legal/Court admissible Testing

A DNA test that may be used for legal reasons, including child custody cases, changes to birth certificates, insurance claims.

Prenatal Paternity Test  – Minimum 6-7 weeks of pregnancy is required. We have in-house certified phlebotomists to draw blood on the mother. For alleged father, we take the usual buccal mouth swab.

Paternity test  – Includes father, child, and also mother if chooses to test.
Maternity test  – Includes mother and child.
Siblingship test  – A test between two siblings that will determine if siblings are half siblings, full siblings, or not related.
Grandparent test – Includes both grandparents and child.


2360 MCKEE RD, Suite 8, San Jose, CA 95116

Phone: 650 866 0040

Non-Legal DNA Testing

DNA testing for your own peace of mind that is not court-admissible.

Prenatal Paternity Test  – Minimum 6-7 weeks of pregnancy is required. We have in-house certified phlebotomists to draw blood on the mother. For alleged father, we take the usual buccal mouth swab.

Paternity test  – Includes father, child, and mother.
Maternity test  – Includes mother and child
Siblingship test  – A test between two siblings that will determine if siblings are half-siblings, full siblings, or not related.
Grandparent test  – Includes both grandparents and child.
Infidelity testing  – We compare a sample that you bring (underwear, garment, condom, etc.) to your DNA to see if the DNA matches yours.

Nonstandard sample (A tooth brush, hair sample, Q-tip, etc.) additional $50.00 – If you wish for us to test a nonstandard sample that you bring in place of a standard sample.